Sunday, April 30, 2017

ArtBead Scene: April 2017

Matamoe or Landscape with Peacocks
Paul Gauguin
Oil On Canvas
My interpretation is with Mary Harding two hole beads and waxed linen. I used a Golem ceramic bead as the clasp. I picked these beads out of my stash because they have a different color scheme on either side and that is what struck me about the painting.... it has a very distinct cool color palette on the one side of the painting and a warm color palette on the other.
Check out for more info on the Monthly Challenge.

I also made this very tribal necklace that was inspired by this painting. I had this huge amazing heart focal by Stacie Louise Smith and I used leftover beads from my stash in the same flat shape for this over the head statement piece!

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Firefly Design Challenge

This is my first time playing along in the Firefly Design Challenge. For this challenge, one picks from two or three different component kits from Michelle McCarthy of Firefly Designs. She makes wonderful ceramic pendants, bracelet bars, earring components and beads. She sent along a secret component from Gardanne Beads, a little enameled butterfly charm! The challenge is to use all the pieces in a set of jewelry. What Fun I Had! 

Here is the bracelet made with three of her pieces and lots of fun additions.

Here are the simple and sweet earrings I made with her earring pair of charms.

Here is the main attraction! Her fun butterfly bead is matched on the other side by her round bead paired with her flower shape piece. The focal pendant is made with her focal and the sweet butterfly charm from Gardanne.
Most of the rest of the elements of my three pieces came from Allegory Gallery
Those yellow and brown glass beads are Manik Manik Indonesian glass! and they were a perfect match with the silk ribbon and waxed linen and leather that I used to tie everything together. 
OH, those adorable ladybugs.... Czech glass! 

Check out all of Michelle's great things from her Facebook site and join us next time!